Stop Illegal Suffering at Slaughter | Animal Justice
Shocking new hidden-camera footage released by Animal Justice from Johnston’s Meats pig slaughterhouse in Chilliwack, British Columbia shows screaming pigs fighting for their lives as they are slowly killed for meat. Many pigs are improperly electrocuted and have their throats slit or are hung up to bleed while alive and conscious. Some pigs have to …
About Us - Animal Justice
Kaitlyn has over a decade of experience using the law to protect animals and the environment. She has an extensive history of going to court to fight for environmental justice, as well as working to strengthen Canadian environmental laws, and uses this expertise to enforce and strengthen Canada’s animal laws.
Legal Protections for Pets in Canada - Animal Justice
Puppies from commercial breeders are generally sold online or in pet stores. Thankfully, a growing number of municipalities, including Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver, have banned the sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits from breeders, instead letting pet supply stores partner with local shelters to adopt out loving animals.
Save Boogie: Help Send Lonely Monkey to a Sanctuary!
Boogie is a Japanese macaque monkey who is kept alone in a barren enclosure at Bervie Zoo, a roadside zoo in Kincardine, Ontario. Boogie spends her days pacing back and forth, spinning in circles, and biting herself—signs indicating severe mental distress from confinement.
Legal Protections for Wild Animals in Canada - Animal Justice
Canada’s beautiful and diverse wildlife is part of our country’s pride, but wild animals benefit from few legal protections. Wild animals in Canada are subjected to trophy hunting, trapping, fishing, poisoning, and extermination programs.
Stop Penned Dog Hunting Expansion | Animal Justice
Doug Ford is about to issue new licenses for dog hunting pens—where captive coyotes, foxes, and rabbits are used as live bait for hunting dogs to chase & kill. The Ontario government had quietly backed away from plans to expand this bloodsport, but instead bowed to the hunting lobby.
Help Send Marineland Whales & …
Captive beluga whales and dolphins are suffering and dying in tanks at Marineland in Ontario, Canada—the last place in the country that still confines these majestic marine mammals.
TSN: Stop Airing Cruel Bull Riding Events | Animal Justice
Bull riding is a cruel sport that exploits and harms animals for entertainment. Despite this, TSN continues to broadcast Professional Bull Riding (PBR) events, promoting these abusive spectacles on its television network.
Donate to Help Animals - Animal Justice | Animal Justice
Gift or Memorial Donation. Request a card be sent for gift or memorial donations over $100. Email us at [email protected] with your name, the donation amount, the name and address of the person on whose behalf you are making the gift, and the reason for the donation (e.g., birthday, anniversary, holiday, memorial, etc.). A personalized card will be sent notifying them of your gift.
Canada’s Puppy Mill Problem - Animal Justice
It’s a disgrace that puppy mills continue to operate in modern Canada. At a puppy mill, mother dogs are kept in cages and forced to consistently breed without access to regular exercise, socialization, or veterinary care.