soldering - How to solder large gauge wire to terminal
Jul 23, 2014 · First, clean the wire and the terminal meticulously and tin the wire with Sn60 or, better yet, Sn63 tin-lead solder. Second, crimp the terminal onto the wire. Third, use a vise to gently hold the wire steady several inches away from the terminal.
Flite Test - Solder Thick Gauge Wire - FAST TIP - YouTube
Learn how to solder thick gauge wire properly with today's Fast Tip! More details and photos at the website: http://flitetest.com/articles/Solder_... Whether you work with scratch build RC...
Heavy Duty Connectors and Large Gauge Wire, & XT60 Soldering Experiment
Feb 22, 2013 · My article above is not a true soldering tutorial in any way, rather, it is simply a proof-of-concept demonstration that you can in fact hook up some very heavy gauge wire to a HobbyKing XT60 connector.
Solder Thick Gauge Wire - Flite Test
Jan 23, 2013 · Learn how to solder thick gauge wire properly with today's Fast Tip! Whether you work with scratch build RC airplanes or you're just fixing up your RTF park flyer, this tip will come in handy! All you need to do is smash the two thick gauge wires together.
How to solder thick motor gauge wire? - RC Groups
Feb 4, 2017 · You can easily "Burn" the copper wire by overheating it, and now it will be near impossible to solder. What you need is a high powered soldering iron, perhaps 80 Watts or more. I use a Weller 100 Watt, temperature regulated iron with a 3/8 inch diameter, iron plated tip.
How to solder thick gauge wire | Endless Sphere DIY EV Forum
Jan 24, 2013 · 60W iron using a Hammerhead tip will flow cell tabs or heavy 8ga wire in 1-2 seconds. If you have to hold an iron on a part for longer than that, you're applying excessive heat (too small of tip) into areas that might not respond well to high heat.
Soldering Wires to Wires | Soldering Basics - 11 Steps - Instructables
Soldering Wires to Wires | Soldering Basics: For this Instructable, I'll be discussing common ways for soldering wires to other wires. I'll be assuming that you've already checked out the first 2 Instructables for my Soldering Basics series.
How to Solder large Wire - YouTube
May 17, 2013 · Ed Lester shows how to solder large gauge wire. 1/0 awg shown.visit my site here for car audio needs. http://showtimecaraudio.net/
electrical - What is the proper way to solder two different gauge ...
Jun 26, 2016 · Tin the soldering gun (i.e, melt a little solder on it). Heat the copper and apply solder to the side opposite the heating implement. Let the solder melt and flow over the wires.
Heavy-Duty Connectors & Large Gauge Wire - Flite Test
Feb 23, 2013 · In my experiment, I twisted two 12AWG wires together, to make a 7AWG-equivalent wire, which I then soldered to an XT60 connector with no problem. A smaller diameter wire, such as a 10 AWG, can easily be soldered to an XT60 connector with this iron linked above (as this is the exact iron I used).