This manual implements policy set forth in Secretary of the Navy Instruction 5216.7, is issued to prescribe uniform standards for the management and preparation of correspondence, and is...
Jun 1, 2016 · To implement sections 10145, 10146, 12103, and 651 of reference (a), by prescribing policy, procedures, and responsibilities with respect to fulfillment of the statutory military service...
The Navy contract requires the work to be conducted consistent with NRC requirements that mitigate the potential for release of radioactivity and ensure no adverse impact to the environment or the public through required environmental monitoring.
The Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) will administer the DON Correspondence Management Program and coordinate proposed changes to this manual with the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) and the ...
Each recommendation includes a “decision ladder” for record. Once a decision has been made regarding the recommendation, the originator will take the appropriate staff action.
Subj: DEPARTMENT OP THE NAVY CORRESPONDENCE MANUAL 1. Purpose. To prescribe uniform standards for the management and preparation of correspondence. 2. Cancellation. SECNAVINST 5216.5C and forms OPNAV 5216/142, OPNAV 5216/144C, and OPNAV 5216/145. 3. Scope. This instruction is applicable throughout the Department of the Navy (DON) . 4. Local ...
General Guidelines for Preparing a Memorandum. Use memoranda for correspondence to the President and White House staff, DoD, Office of the Secretary of the Navy, and Chief of Naval Operations,...
military terms. The JCS Pub 1-02 is available on-line, at doctrine/ jel/ doddict. e. MCO P1070.12, Marine Corps Individual Records and Administration