The CSE-IT is designed to improve early identification of youth who are experiencing commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) and human trafficking. This human trafficking screening tool was developed with the input of over 100 survivors and service providers.
The Commercial Sexual Exploitation-Identification Tool (CSE-IT, pronounced “See It”) was created to help professionals identify children and youth who have been, or are being, commercially sexually exploited.
The Commercial Sexual Exploitation-Identification Tool (CSE-IT, pronounced “See It”) was created to help professionals identify children and youth who have been, or are being, commercially sexually exploited.
The Commercial Sexual Exploitation-Identification Tool (CSE-IT) meets the urgent need for a validated screening tool to identify children with indicators of sex trafficking.
The Commercial Sexual Exploitation-Identification Tool (CSE-IT, pronounced “see it”) is a research-based screening tool that helps improve early identification of commercially sexually exploited youth (CSEY).
Mar 5, 2015 · Improve identification of victims, which will expedite access to services and care. Improve prevalence estimates and cross-system communication regarding the number of CSEC in a jurisdiction and across California. Facilitate data-driven decision-making.
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) Screening Tool The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (under the age of 18) involves children exchanging any sexual activity for something of value (money, gifts, accommodations or other ways to meet their basic needs). Youth may describe a range of behaviors as consensual.
What is CSE-IT? The Commercial Sexual Exploitation-Identification Tool (CSE-IT, pronounced “see it”) was developed by WestCoast Children’s Clinic in Oakland, California and is designed to improve early identification of children who are commercially sexually exploited.
•The tool is very easy to use •Helps staff explore risk factors that they may miss otherwise •Helps staff ask more explicitly during assessment about CSE •Staff feeling more confident talking about CSEC and risk factors in their work generally •Keeping trauma and CSEC at the center of our assessment and intervention
This tool should be used by professionals who have been trained in CSEC and trauma, as victims have often experienced multiple traumas and can require high levels of sensitively and care. Many of the indicators also require a report by a mandated reporter.