The Metropolitan Nashville Police Department is committed to making Nashville a safe place for all who live, work and play. In doing that, we recruit highly qualified officers to protect our city. Our academy is one of the best in the nation, and holds several accreditations to prove that.
Training Academy - JOIN MNPD
3 days ago · The Training Academy provides training to newly hired police officer trainees, in-service training to all police officers annually, and thousands of hours of specialized training to officers from across the MNPD and the Metropolitan Government.
Law Enforcement Training - Main - TN.gov
This year, T.L.E.T.A. expects to train more law enforcement officers than ever before through its Basic Police Recruit and specialized training courses. T.L.E.T.A. also offers Community Policing, Anti-Gang training courses and other training at various sites around the state.
Basic Law Enforcement School - TN.gov
The Basic Police School is the mainstay of the Tennessee Law Enforcement Training Academy. Our mission is to produce a physically fit, highly motivated, basically trained police office thoroughly indoctrinated in the ethics and professional …
Police Department’s commitment to the citizens of Nashville demands that only the highest caliber individual serve as a Police Officer. Under the guidance of a committed chain of command, the goal of building a professional team of officers is entrusted to the staff of …
New law enforcement training academy coming to Nashville to …
Oct 5, 2023 · The state is making a historic investment of $415 million into a Multi-Agency Law Enforcement Training Academy to be built in Nashville.
Apply to the Citizen Police Academy - NewsChannel 5 Nashville
Feb 26, 2023 · NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — Citizens have a chance to learn more about the Metro Police Department and get an inside look at how the officers and detectives do what they do.
Rethinking The Police Academy: As Nashville’s police academy …
Feb 11, 2022 · Nashville's police academy has struggled to graduate women and people of color. But a new administration is making changes to try to attract and better prepare a more diverse set of officers.
How to Become a Police Officer in Nashville
Nashville Metro Police Training Academy. The Nashville Metro Training Academy for the MNPD opened at its current location in 1970. It is divided into four basic training sections: basic police training, physical fitness and wellness, in-service training, and confrontation management.
61 New Nashville Police Officers from Two Academy Classes …
Aug 4, 2022 · Mayor John Cooper and Chief John Drake will preside over Thursday’s graduation of 61 new Nashville police officers from two training academy classes (Sessions 95 and 96). The ceremony will begin at 1:30 p.m. in the sanctuary of Cornerstone Church, 726 W. Old Hickory Boulevard in Madison.