According to Ulana the Watcher, Earth-2099 is a reality rewoven from disparate timelines. It combines elements that happen in the year 2099 A.D. in various realites, such as Earth-928, Earth-2992, Earth-16356, Earth-23291 and Earth-96099.
After the corpse of Jovion the Enactor crashed on the Wastelands of Earth, creating a Celestial Garden, Miguel learned via a data drive he decrypted with the help of Ghost Rider that the event was all a plot created by the Cabal in order to gain the unimaginable power of the garden.
While it has been confirmed to be a possible future version of Earth-616, the mainstream Marvel Universe, the 2099 universe has been officially designated as Earth-928 and alternatively dubbed as Earth-616 circa 2099, or simply Earth-2099.
Spider-Man 2099 is a superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character was created by Peter David and Rick Leonardi in 1992 for the Marvel 2099 comic book line, and he is a futuristic re-imagining of the original Spider-Man created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko.
Spider-Man 2099 (Miguel O’Hara) is a superhero in the Marvel Multiverse and the successor of Spider-Man in the year 2099 AD. In an attempt to free himself from addiction to a fiendish drug forced on him, geneticist Miguel O'Hara tried to use his experiments to overwrite his DNA.