E5 is situated on Floor 5, House E, Vasagatan 1 E6 is situated on Floor 6, House E, Vasagatan 1 ...
This programme is designed for those who wish to work with furniture from an exploratory and conceptual approach to materials, innovation, and sustainable development. Over the three years of the ...
Admission to the PhD Programmes normally takes place every two years. Vacant PhD positions are announced at the University’s Job Application Portal preliminary from February 1, 2027, with the ...
The academic year in Sweden is divided into two semesters. The autumn semester usually starts in September and the spring semester starts in January. This page shows the official semester dates, ...
Press office Journalists are welcome to contact our Press Officers with queries. For subject-related queries, please get in touch with the media contact at the relevant faculty.
The PhD Programme in Environmental Social Science provides a platform for interrogating how we understand and investigate the relationships between society and the environment. The PhD programme aims ...
Through research infrastructures, researchers have access to resources that provide good conditions for developing high-quality research. The University of Gothenburg hosts and participates in several ...
Välkommen till en av Europas ledande statsvetenskapliga institutioner! Här bedrivs forskning och undervisning i statsvetenskap, Europakunskap och samhällsstyrning i ett globalt perspektiv. Vi är en ...
Hot, hat och trakasserier på nätet har gjort att utsatta människor skapar digitala rum där de kan känna sig trygga. Enligt… ...
Under utbildningens tre första terminer läggs grunden med kurser i nutrition, kemi, biokemi, anatomi, fysiologi, livsmedelsvetenskap, skriftlig, muntlig och visuell kommunikation, samt ...
Valbar kurs kan väljas inom programmet eller från en att annat program vid Graduate School. En lista av kurser görs tillgänglig för studenter varje termin. Listor över föregående terminers valbara ...