私たちが真の持続可能性と自然との共生を望むのであれば、経済、社会、環境、ガバナンスの目標がすべて同じ方向に向かう必要がある。地方レベルから国際レベルに至るまで、あらゆる ...
A famous anecdote describes a scheme the British Colonial Government implemented in India in an attempt to control the population of venomous cobras that were plaguing the citizens of Delhi that ...
“For Justice, Security and the Restoration of Our Territory” — that’s the slogan emblazoned on the uniform of the people in charge of security in Cherán, one of the main indigenous communities in the ...
A landmark scientific assessment commissioned by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has confirmed that agriculture is having a monumental impact on earth’s finite resources. According to ...
Rice has long been Thailand’s traditional food crop and the country’s main export product. Though declining in relative importance, it still occupies about 55% of the total arable land . Over 80% of ...
To build greater understanding and awareness of traditional knowledge and inform action by indigenous peoples, local communities and policymakers, the United Nations University Institute for the ...
In Africa, the forest is often referred to as ‘the bush’ and the meat derived from wildlife is referred to as ‘bushmeat’. According to an alliance called the Bushmeat Crisis Task Force, commercial, ...
May 2023 — With the launch of the new United Nations University (UNU) global website platform, Our World has been integrated into the UNU website and will shift to become a curated collection of UNU's ...
Public health epidemiology is the science of counting to prevent disease and promote health. We count the number of new cases of a particular disease; this is the incidence. Then we count how much a ...
How on earth can a non-binding international agreement create a diplomatic crisis? Earlier this week, international leaders gathered in Marrakech, Morocco, to endorse the new Global Compact for Safe, ...
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are being embraced by greater numbers of individuals, businesses, and governments as rising efficiency and productivity are permitting ...
Given the increased polarity around so many issues — arms control, trade and migration, to name a few — it’s easy to forget that consensus exists on others. Feb. 12 marks one such consensus. As the ...