Geidy Santiago Calzada, a 16-year-old from the town of Trinidad, had been experiencing months of a noticeably swollen abdomen ...
HR+/HER2- breast cancer involves cells that test positive for hormone receptors and negative for HER2 proteins. It's the most ...
New research suggests that women with gynecologic conditions may have a higher risk of heart disease and stroke.
There are currently no effective tests to screen for ovarian cancer. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to recognize and ...
The researchers found that having ever used oral contraception reduced odds of ovarian cancer by 26% (odds ratio [OR], 0.74; ...
The decision was made on Dr Ali Shokouh-Amiri by a tribunal after he admitted 24 instances of inappropriate behaviour, out of ...
A petition has begun after a tribunal ruled a doctor who removed two women's ovaries without consent fit to practice. Ali ...
At a news conference Wednesday morning, officials provided an update on the status of debris removal and the plan for environmental testing to ensure residents can safely rebuild. "We are working ...
Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante said Wednesday that the city's snow-removal operation, which now has no predicted finishing date, will cost more than $50 million. Plante, who spoke to reporters ...
Women under the care of a gynaecologist who was found to have twice removed patients' ovaries without consent have told ITV News they no longer want him as their doctor. Dr Ali Shokouh-Amiri was ...
Study uncovers connection between early ovary removal and reduced brain white matter, raising questions about long-term cognitive health impacts.
EDITOR’S NOTE (Feb. 20, 2025): This story has been updated from its original version to reflect the City of Toronto’s language on offering snow clearing services, not snow removal. Toronto ...