The commission was all hands on deck, putting so much strain on their resources that they were forced to alter protocol.
The forester says two or three days after rain comes and goes, “light fuels” like grasses and leaves dry out and if high wind and low humidity returns, we could see more wildfires again before summer.
MYRTLE BEACH, SC. (WTOC) - The South Carolina Forestry Commission has lifted the statewide burn ban for 44 counties. Horry ...
Repairs seem to be underway at a local cemetery after WCCB Charlotte's Zane Cina started to ask questions. Complaints about damaged graves have piled up at Forest Lawn Cemetery and Mausoleum in ...
The commission was all hands on deck, putting so much strain on their resources that they were forced to alter protocol.
A good portion of the state of Alabama, including nearly all of the Wiregrass, is in the “Abnormally Dry” intensity category ...
The Park County Commission is sending a letter conveying constituent concerns to Montana U.S. Representatives Troy Downing and Ryan Zinke, and Montana U.S. Senators Steve Daines and Tim Sheehy, follow ...
Strong winds in Horry County on Wednesday presented new challenges as the massive wildfire in Carolina Forest continues to ...
Ahead of last night’s storm system, gusty winds and low relative humidities resulted in extremely erratic fire behavior. On ...
Severe storms didn't put out Carolina Forest's 2,000-acre wildfire, but officials expressed hope that the desperately-needed ...
South Carolina's burn ban will be lifted for 44 counties at 5 p.m., Wednesday, but remains in place for Georgetown and Horry ...
Follow wildfire updates in North and South Carolina, where blazes erupted over the weekend. The largest stemmed from a forest ...