If so, they could be experiencing upper cervical dysfunction. What do we mean when we say an upper cervical adjustment or ...
While cracking your neck and knuckles might seem harmless, health experts advise against this practice due to potential risks ...
Apply Heat packs or ice packs. Consult your doctor for over-the-counter painkillers or an anti-inflammatory, analgesic cream or gel. Manipulating or massaging your neck and physical therapies such as ...
Symptoms often include stiffness and pain. The uncovertebral joints, or the Luschka’s joints, sit on each side of the cervical disks in the neck. “Hypertrophy” is a term referring to the ...
Strengthening it can significantly reduce tension headaches and increase neck mobility. This article provides a detailed guide to five specific exercises designed to strengthen and optimize this ...
She explains the importance of keeping both the thoracic spine (upper back) and cervical spine (neck) aligned, stating, "Wherever the thoracic spine goes, the cervical spine follows." The NHS also ...
A crucial component in this rehabilitation process involves the utilization of cervical collars ... the kind and duration of neck brace usage. Doctors might combine therapy with wearing a neck brace ...
And it should come as no surprise that your neck, medically known as the cervical spine ... a fever and a stiff neck may be signs of meningitis. Exercises can also help you manage neck pain.