On March 1, 2025, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area will begin construction to channelize the river mile -12 slough to prevent reproduction of small mouth bass in the Colorado River below Glen ...
Anglers looking to get an early start on their fishing season and catch one of Idaho's most prized fish should take advantage ...
Dr. Laurie Marker shares the highlights of her African homeland. She is doing more than just about anyone to stop the loss of ...
Research assistant Katherine Larson waded into the Madison River near the mouth of the Bear Trap Canyon. “She came out of the water ... bryozoan can lead to the release of spores that infect fish. The ...
Research assistant Katherine Larson waded into the Madison River near the mouth of the Bear Trap Canyon ... to the release of spores that infect fish. The parasite’s full name is ...
Cope’s reported fishing remained fair as reports of biting bass increased with plastics on the drop-shot, small jigs, or ...
Hiding deep in the Allegheny Highlands, nestled in the bottom of a canyon once known as Kincaid Gorge, Lake Moomaw has some ...
Twenty years after the first northern pike was detected in Box Canyon Reservoir on the Pend Oreille River system, state and tribal suppression efforts seem to be keeping the carnivorous fish in check ...
Delta sturgeon active, Steve Mitchell reported. Don Pedro and McClure bass action heats up, Ryan Denner said. McSwain plants ...
Nearly two decades of wrangling over a massive proposed water project in Northern Colorado have ended with a settlement ...
Think the yellow sprinkling of flora alongside the I-17 highway is testament to a beautiful blooming spring? Think again.
Jordan Marsters, a resident of Denver, was traveling through Grand Junction on Feb. 11 and was in Montrose before he went missing.