French physicist Louis de Broglie presented his revolutionary theory that has become one of the cornerstones of quantum ...
In ch. 7 it was shown that at most levels in a slowly varying stratified ionosphere, and for radio waves of frequency greater than about 100 kHz, the propagation can be described by approximate ...
Together with the equations that now bear his name ... The Lennard-Jones potential produces the nonlinear wave profile of a kink because its nonlinear repulsive force is huge for liquid atoms brought ...
Many physical phenomena – including heat transfer, fluid flow and electromagnetic wave propagation, to name just three – can be described using partial differential equations (PDEs). Apart from a few ...
Conditional statements typically decrease GPU performance. However, porting the wave propagation code required minimal alteration from the CPU code. One source code now can be compiled to both targets ...
One area of focus has been what happens to entangled particles that fall into a black hole. Quantum mechanics tells us that measurement of one entangled particle can give us information about its ...
The WETCOW theory provides a comprehensive framework for characterizing the propagation of EM fields through the ... SPECTRE can invert the wave equations to provide an estimate of the spatiotemporal ...
The reliable control of traveling waves emerging from the coupling of oscillations and diffusion in physical, chemical and biological systems is a long-standing challenge within the physics community.
To efficiently compute where waves of light, sound, or earthquakes will go when scattered by irregular obstacles is useful in ...
Department of Neurobiology and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, USA ...
The use of fractional differential equations to schematize the propagation of fake news results in incorporating a greater amount of memory information and better considering hereditary properties of ...