La flama del «caliu muntanyenc» a Figueres és més viva que mai i, com ja és habitual en l’entrada d’any, crema amb força amb ...
Nova tragèdia mortal a les muntanyes catalanes. Aquest dissabte, un home de 52 anys ha perdut la vida prematurament després ...
A watch worn by French war-time hero and president Charles de Gaulle fetched more than half a million euros as part of an auction of his personal items in Paris, auction house Artcurial said.
un recorregut pel seu llegat de vida entre muntanyes, on l’experiència personal es transformà en memòria col·lectiva. La segona jornada, en canvi, fou un mosaic d’activitats, una d ...
When trainee solicitor Sophie McDermott posted a fairly innocuous tweet as she embarked on a festive pub crawl, she never imagined the vitriol her post would receive online Some people gladly ...
Tanya Chutkan once thought she would spend much of 2024 presiding over an iconic moment in American history: the criminal trial of Donald Trump for conspiring to derail the transfer of power.
Arjun Goyal and Stefan Vitorovic, two of Vida Ventures’ three co-founding managing directors, have exited the firm as it rejigs its leadership team seven years … ...