Una tragèdia ha assolit la comunitat de muntanya de l'alta vall de Brembana, on el fotògraf Giampietro Agostini, de 62 anys, ...
La flama del «caliu muntanyenc» a Figueres és més viva que mai i, com ja és habitual en l’entrada d’any, crema amb força amb ...
A la comarca era molt conegut, sobretot a Tivissa, el poble que l'havia vist néixer i créixer, on tothom sabia que la ...
Gerard Olivé, un veí d'aquesta localitat tarragonina de 40 anys, ha estat trobat sense vida al Pirineu d'Osca. La seva desaparició havia mobilitzat la seva família, amics i els equips de rescat des de ...
La nova edició del projecte s'estrena el pròxim divendres 17 de gener i tindrà set films, tres conferències i un documental ...
Surrounded by the warmth of her loved ones, the actress shares that she is thankful for the year that has gone by and is looking forward to the year ahead ...
Step-by-step instructions for coming up with an engaging list of recommendations for things we should — or shouldn’t — read, watch, experience, eat or listen to. By Katherine Schulten If ...
I agreed to attend a 60 minute sales presentation and receive a tour of the resort and enjoy a breakfast buffet. The buffet was not the one enjoyed by the members and the tour was not available ...
On an annual average, there were roughly 46.1 million persons in employment in 2024 whose place of employment was in Germany. This was the highest number of persons in employment since German ...
In a rare medical case, a woman in her 70s was hospitalized with heat stroke after stretching in a sauna for 45 minutes.