Subteran” is a Netflix series created by Steve Bailie with Ana Ularu, Cezar Grumăzescu, and Florin Piersic Jr. Netflix ...
Michael Nietzel is president emeritus of Missouri State University. A Forbes contributor since 2019, he writes about higher education. After earning his B.A. from Wheaton College (Illinois), he ...
Here are seven movies from the era of black leather action. Michelle Pfeiffer’s Catwoman may have marked the first unapologetic comic-book movie foray into the black leather catsuit.
KATE BECKINSALE is a kick-ass actor who has taken down the bad guys onscreen in numerous action movies. But behind the scenes, the 51-year-old British beauty says she has been fighting against a ...
Kate Beckinsale (Underworld, Van Helsing) has shared some of the pretty shocking experiences she's had with co-stars and crew ...
It is understood Mr Karam, from Craigieburn, was aware he was under threat from fellow underworld heavy hitters in the lead-up to his death and had armed himself with a gun. Mahmoud Karam was shot ...
Many music critics credit Michael Bublé with “making the Great American Songbook cool again.” Since breaking through in 2003 with his self-titled third studio album, the Canadian jazz-pop ...
This year Broadway star Michael Maliakel (Disney’s Aladdin) and actress Lesley Nicol (Downton Abbey) join the ranks of top stars featured in the past. Performers like Gladys Knight, Roma Downey ...
The Ravens' defensive line is at full strength at the start of the stretch run, as Michael Pierce has been moved to the 53-man roster. Baltimore activated Pierce off the injured reserve/designated ...