In the arid mountains of northern Oman, rocky caves hold pools of water. Naturalists were exploring these subterranean lakes in the Al-Hoota cave in 1980 when they discovered a white, eyeless fish. It ...
This apex predator roams the world's oceans and has developed an appetite for the livers of the largest and scariest fish in ...
New research shows that whales move nutrients thousands of miles—in their pee and poop—from as far as Alaska to Hawaii, ...
Baleen whales undertake some of the longest migrations of any mammal, traveling thousands of miles between nutrient-rich ...
Spectacular drone footage captured Southern Resident Killer Whales as they made their way through the Monterey Bay frolicking ...
A new study revealed that whales support tropical ecosystems by transporting vital nutrients across vast ocean from Alaska to ...
Near an island in the South Pacific Ocean, a bright red sea creature with “canine-like” teeth swam around the coral reef. Maybe it was its vibrant coloring or its spiny body, but something about the ...
It’s 1999, the 21st century is on the horizon, and California has big plans for marine conservation. New legislation has presented a mandate to establish ...
Florida’s pet fish industry is booming, but many saltwater species in home aquariums are still taken from the wild.
The name is also a nod to whale’s father and the high-pitched songs that have led these mammals to be dubbed the “canaries of ...
Officers stayed with the seal until he was transferred to the Mystic Aquarium ... a dilute fish formula that will provide him with the nutrition he needs to “heal and grow.” “The goal for this seal, ...
The Mystic Aquarium staff are proud that they were able to give Chappy the best chance possible and are devastated by this ...