Laws protecting consumers’ ability to seek out independent repairs for their appliances are spreading across the United ...
The latest season of "Stitch" brings you closer to the inspiring individuals making a difference all around us.
Next we have "Sid." This four-year-old sweet boy enjoys getting lots of love. The shelter says he has what's known as feline immunodeficiency virus, or FIV, but he can still live safely with other ...
More than 350 items have been brought in over the past 12 months - including a reindeer lamp and a pendant from a First ...
Shattered yet together: Such is the state trauma leaves a body in. For artist Yuliya Lanina and her exhibition “Un/Broken,” ...
Did you know sewing machines have two different hook types? And one stitches way faster! Seriously, I didn't know for a long ...
From old curtains to beautiful bags, Loulé’s new community project is transforming local markets – one stitch at a time!
I recently chanced to hear of a quilting endeavor which crossed the oceans to bring comfort and express solidarity with ...
WRAP reveals the influence various circular economy models are exerting in reducing the demand for new clothing.
For every five textile items repaired, four displace a new purchase – an 82.2% displacement rate – according to research by ...
With your needle in between the fabric and button, flip it back over to face the front, then start wrapping the thread around ...