In a river of southern China, a “slender” creature with “tiny scales” under its skin paused to rest along the gravel riverbed. Its coloring helped it blend in, but not well enough. Nearby scientists ...
The first recorded striped bass fishing in America is from colonial times, and since then it's become the official fish of three states. What's the appeal of this fish? Striped bass is a healthy ...
For young salmon, the journey along the San Joaquin River in Central California is no small feat. Every spring and fall, ...
Zanzibar Red Colobus is a species of monkey that's native to Tanzania's Zanzibar archipelago. This animal is known for its ...
Neon tetras are small, active fish with bright blue ... They come in several striking colors, including electric blue and red-striped. Like the betta, dwarf gourami has a labyrinth organ that ...
Anglers in pursuit of striped bass face an almost overwhelming choice of lures ... you might be a bit underwhelmed if you look at the lures I carry when targeting stripers. I usually fish variations ...