Elora Cook is coming straight into the book scene with a bang! The debut author is taking the mafia drama and spinning it on ...
3."'Be the mirror, not the sponge.' When someone shares their anxiety/stress with you, it's not your job, nor does it make ...
The World Health Organisation (WHO) is calling for cigarette-style warnings on alcohol to raise awareness about the link between drinking and cancer.
"Heavy alcohol consumption is associated with a higher risk of various cancers, including mouth, throat, liver ... research is revealing that drinking small amounts can be harmful too.
I’ve learned to speak some spider monkey over the years. As a conservationist working out of the Peruvian Amazon Rainforest, I’ve spent years of my life in the jungle. I sleep outdoors more nights ...
Climate change isn’t going to happen, it’s happening — not to someone else, but to me and my young children, now.
If you have an anxiety disorder, or if you’re simply feeling anxious, one symptom that you might experience is a feeling of tightness in your throat, or a “lump” in your throat ... an excessive ...
"My name is Teresiah Njeri. I am a 38-year-old mother of one and a teacher by profession.In March 2020, my life took an unexpected and devastating turn when I got diagnosed with adenoid cystic ...
“I had a small sore under my tongue that I barely noticed ... the roof of your mouth, and the inside of your cheeks. 2. Mysterious pain or numbness in the mouth area Unexplained discomfort ...