Stars such as the famous female performer Sarah Siddons, who played the role of Hamlet several times – as well as Juliet, or Lady Macbeth. In 1788 a theatre playbill, now lodged in the British ...
The actress Sarah Siddons was a superstar ... which has just opened at the Hampstead Theatre. We were both struck by the parallels between Siddons’s image management and the way those in ...
Sarah Siddons. Born at Brecon July 5 1755. Died in London June 8 1831 Sarah was born at the Shoulder of Mutton inn in Brecon in south Wales, one of many children of Roger Kemble (d.1802) actor and ...
Liverpool Theatre Royal. With thanks to British Library ... and on Paddington Green in London. Sarah Siddons plays Hamlet. With thanks to The British Library/ She played the role only on a cluster ...
The event, held at the Sarah Siddons Theatre at the City of Westminster College’s Paddington Green Campus, brought together over 350 members of the Sri Lankan community, friends of Sri Lanka, and well ...
The event, held at the Sarah Siddons Theatre at the City of Westminster College’s Paddington Green Campus, brought together over 350 members of the Sri Lankan community, friends of Sri Lanka, and well ...