A far-right MP who has been arrested for vandalising a temporary exhibition in the National Gallery in Athens said he did it ...
The MP considered blasphemous an exhibition at the National Gallery - He had also submitted a question to the Ministry of ...
The American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts is challenging a city mayor’s plan to erect statues of two Catholic ...
"Most Catholics currently reflect Russian society, with all the tensions inherent in it," the Russian graduate of Rome's ...
Alongside Martin Luther King in that pivotal moment for civil rights marched Greek Orthodox Archbishop of the Americas Iakovos.
The Greek Orthodox Holy Monastery of St. Catherine on Mount Sinai is believed to house the oldest icon depicting the ...
The vast St Mark Coptic Orthodox Church community is expanding with a tertiary institution, cafe and library. Plans are part ...
OBOZ.UA tells about the holidays and significant events of this day. On March 5, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of the ...
But since the date of Easter changes every year, you might find yourself checking the calendar each time the weather warms up ...
Throughout history, Christian antisemitism has fueled discrimination, violence, and exclusion, from early Church doctrine to ...
Lent begins March 5, and different denominations of Christianity have varied traditions for the 40 days leading to observance ...
The first day of March is St David’s Day. Who was St David and why is he the patron saint of Wales? This is the story ...