According to the Bible, we’re ‘justified’ in believing and saying that! “That if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord, ...
1119 Union St. S., Concord. Pastor: Rev. Brian Crady. Sunday school for “In Betweens” and young adults at 9 a.m. Worship at ...
I continue to try to make sense of living as a Christian in a time when a distressing number of my coreligionists have thrown ...
Roman Catholics connect salvation to participation in church sacraments such as baptism, confirmation, and the Eucharist.
Activist and author Ayaan Hirsi Ali quoted from Scripture in an impassioned defense of the nation-state and advocated for a ...
C. S. Lewis famously warned about “chronological snobbery,” the sense that previous eras were unenlightened and backward and ...
The Romans destroyed the Temple, banished Jews and changed the names of places to erase history. It's a strategy still being emulated.
For those who observe Lent annually, it can be challenging to think of new ideas of what they will give up each winter.
It's been said, "You attract what you think about, and you can draw into you what you say." What you will be next week is what you have thought, said or done today. The power that will be the ...
If there is anything that is definite, if there is anything that is true, if there is anything that is sure and sacrosanct, ...
We will explore key lessons from It’s Not Over Yet on how to cultivate a life of innocence and purity, protect our hearts ...
Enter into a new season of life. Get your mind off your worrisome circumstances and look towards God. Scripture tells that when Jonah was in the belly of the great fish, he focused on God and uttered, ...