The stage at the Laborde Earles Entertainment Center, next to the Rapides Parish Coliseum, has been recently upgraded and renovated.
RENO, Nev. (KOLO) - Nevada families and schoolchildren are encouraged to take part in safe walk or bicycle activities in March to celebrate Nevada Moves Month.
RENO, Nev. (KOLO) - “The Architecture of Floral” is a biophoric instillation at the Reno Public Market featuring the work of ...
The lunar eclipse is this week. Will Nevadans be able to see it? Here's a look at the forecast for the night of the eclipse.
The Reno Aces’ 4th Annual Fan Fest drew more 1,100 people to Greater Nevada Field on Saturday. Visitors enjoyed a range of ...
IT chief Behzad Zamanian and County Manager Eric Brown told the RGJ that Zamanian is on site two weeks a month. Data shows it ...
Bring an umbrella to the bar crawls — the next round of storms should last through the lead-up to St. Patrick's Day, bringing ...
Over 200 locals poured into the eveyln mount northeast community center on sunday.... for a new event from the city.nat of ...
Nevada’s snowpack levels are all over the map, with the north doing better than the south, according to the latest water ...
January employment figures in Carson City show an increase of around 200 jobs or 0.6 percent, since December and an increase ...
There’s a new Indian restaurant in Sparks, a new branch of a Tahoe brewery on Reno’s Fourth Street and lots more food news.