For one gallerist, his art “has as much to say now” as it did a century ago. A new exhibition features more than 60 artworks in which mythical creatures are used to address topics such as ...
Anchoring always occurs before spin and orientation are applied. An anchor can be referred to in one of two ways; as a directional vector, or as a named anchor string. When the object is cubical or ...
ART21: What is it that you like about domestic objects? SMITH: [All the things] we use in our daily ... to have a beautiful environment in your private life. But sometimes, in art, maybe it is like ...
her paintings rejuvenate old art forms. Breathing life into domestic subject matter, Murray’s paintings often include images of cups, drawers, utensils, chairs, and tables. These familiar objects are ...
The sum of scalar quantities can be found by adding their values together.