Johnson’s forte is the Manichean gangster movie, in that all his films interrogate the relationship between good and evil.
Director Christopher Nolan's The Odyssey, is gearing up to be his biggest blockbuster yet, as there are many exciting facts and rumors about this epic film.
Recent stories of note: “New book celebrates William Butterfield, a master of High Victorian Gothic architecture” Peter ...
Christopher Nolan’s latest epic production, ''The Odyssey'', brought Hollywood star Matt Damon to Greece recently.
One of the easiest ways to get kids hooked on reading is to get them into a great book series. All it takes is a captivating Book 1, and they're off and running. Fantasy, mystery, science fiction, ...
Robert Downey Jr. misses out on a second potential Oscar win by declining Christopher Nolan's The Odyssey, a miss fans are ...
While Brad Pitt's Troy has many great qualities to emulate, Christopher Nolan's The Odyssey must avoid replicating a big flaw ...
It’s impossible to say now where the “9-1-1” meets “Doctor Odyssey” take will fall on that spectrum. But in much the same way as comic books, television is a flexible and sprawling ...
Kubrick: An Odyssey, by Robert B Kolker and Nathan Abrams, is an exhaustive biography that may well be the definitive account of his life and work. It paints a far richer and more nuanced portrait. It ...
So when Unistellar asked if I would like to check out its Odyssey Pro, a smart telescope that promises a more flexible viewing experience, I jumped at the chance. The Odyssey Pro ended up solving ...
Before Christopher Nolan brings his interpretation of Homer's epic poem to the big screen, Yahoo brings you the definitive ...