CREATE SEQUENCE creates a new sequence number generator. This involves creating and initializing a new special single-row table with the name name. The generator will be owned by the user issuing the ...
Advances the sequence object to its next value and returns that value. This is done atomically: even if multiple sessions execute nextval concurrently, each will safely receive a distinct sequence ...
The doclet tool was completely changed in Java 9; uml-java-doclet will not work with any JDK later than 8. This project is not maintained anymore, since for us it is not worth effort required to ...
Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, Lensfield Road, Cambridge CB2 1EW, U.K.
clang-uml is an automatic C++ to UML class, sequence ... diagrams within a code-base or document legacy code. The configuration file or files for clang-uml define the types and contents of each ...