Recent discoveries beneath the surface of Mars have left scientists both baffled and excited. A massive underground anomaly, ...
If you like the smell of spring roses, the sounds of summer birdsong, and the colors of fall foliage, you have the stabilization of the ozone layer to thank for it. Located in the stratosphere, where ...
Overturning decades of assumptions about how Charon formed, researchers have revealed an entirely new form of cosmic collision.
Discover how Earth's ambipolar electric field shields us from cosmic threats, influences atmospheric evolution, and could ...
Lunar rocks collected by China’s Chang’e-5 mission reveal new details that may offer key insights into planetary habitability and evolution.
Lunar rocks retrieved by China’s Chang’e-5 mission reveal that the moon’s magnetic field lasted much longer than scientists ...
Science: Mars' thick crust, reaching up to km in the southern highlands, plays a pivotal role in granitic magma creation and ...