An endless Passover seder takes center stage in “One Little Goat: A Passover Catastrophe,” by writer Dara Horn and ...
In spring, prepare to celebrate two holidays on the Jewish calendar. Passover, a beloved harvest festival, and Purim, one of ...
She recently released her newest book, “Ellis Island Passover,” under the Creston imprint ... he and 27 fellow Jewish Ellis ...
America’s bloodiest and most tragic war took place. The war is still so controversial that neither side can yet agree on its ...
She recently released her newest book, “Ellis Island Passover,” under the Creston ... Ellis Island visitors enjoyed a memorable, first seder dinner in their new country. Hand-drawn paint ...
These books celebrate Jewish identity, pride and joy through traditions, holidays, rituals, community and a deep connection ...
Residents across Orange County are getting ready to celebrate Ramadan, Eid, Holi, Nowruz, Passover, Lent, Easter and Vesak this Spring.