AT PENPOINTThe visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Pakistan was not just friendly and fraternal, but it ...
The Green Line is a meandering boundary that stretches across approximately 500 kilometers, and it lies at the heart of many of the political and legal disputes in the Middle East.
Suleiman I, the most dazzling of the Ottoman sultans, illuminated the 16th century, reigning from 1520 to 1566. He was the ...
Edinburgh University Press announced the publication of Dr. Mehmet Polatel’s "Armenians and Land Disputes in the Ottoman ...
Kings and Generals is remaking its animated historical documentary on the history of the Ottoman Empire, beginning with ...
The victory was celebrated by Christian countries long after as a key counterblow to Ottoman expansion; but, as Marcus Bull ...
First published in 1605, Don Quixote is considered by many to be the first modern novel. Because of this, it is still widely ...
The major cities of Central Europe built along the Danube were the focus of key battles in the war between Muslims and ...