As of October, only 74 sea-based fish farms remain, according to SFA data.
Scientists are exploring a new model for carbon capture in low-oxygen aquatic environments, such as fisheries, that will help address rising global temperatures and could potentially be cost-effective ...
Commissioners said these are the only two commercial seafood wholesalers where watermen can offload and sell their catches.
Did you know that aquaculture is the fastest-growing food production sector In the world? This is as a result of seafood ...
Worcester County, Maryland, commissioners approved a resolution to acquire two properties being considered by US Wind for an ...
By 2050, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations predicts that the world's population will reach 9.1 billion people. This is 34% more than it is today. To eliminate mass hunger, ...
Canada intends to shut down open-net-pen salmon farming by 2029. But removing infrastructure is challenging and costly.
Floating cages with thousands of fish may be popping in the Gulf of Mexico under a controversial plan that is likely to gain ...