Tommy James’ manager said the star’s ‘total exhaustion’ from travel caused him to halt his Golden Nugget show early.
The Starting Point Route 66 begins its legendary journey in the bustling city of Chicago, Illinois. Known as the "Windy City, ...
Cincinnati Bearcats basketball opens the Big 12 tournament Tuesday vs. Oklahoma State. The Cowboys beat UC Saturday. Here are ...
County officials are using approximately $28 million in federal funding to improve the courthouse's HVAC, sprinkler and plumbing systems as well as other life-safety infrastructure.
“One, because they add to the unique vibrancy of the Arts District as an opportunity for another postcard Tulsa skyline moment. And two, like the Cain's and Mayo signs, as a recognition and ...
The Black Gold in Oil Town exhibit is sharing the history of black baseball teams, like the Tulsa Black Oilers and the T-Town Clowns, and how they overcame segregation and adversity.
But the skyline was unchanged. Eileen O’Connor, a spokesperson for the Kraft campaign, said in a statement Thursday evening that “our campaign continues to gain momentum and we are excited and ...
Dallas-based Cinergy Entertainment started an Axe Throwdown at its Tulsa, Oklahoma and Copperas ... the main screen and the skyline in the background. And everyone takes that picture every single ...
Dallas-based Cinergy Entertainment started an Axe Throwdown at its Tulsa, OK and Copperas Cove ... the main screen and the skyline in the background. And everyone takes that picture every single time.
Tulsa is starting the day in the upper 30s and lower 40s, with temperatures expected to warm into the 60s this afternoon. Winds will remain calm, creating ideal outdoor conditions, and even warmer ...