The heel turn was unexpected, but now that Cena has aligned with The Final Boss on the dark side, there are a ton of new angles Cody Rhodes will have to brace for.
The Final Boss is set to make an appearance after several weeks out the spotlight. What will be the impact on Wrestlemania?
The WWF did, however, contract a convicted paedophile ... On YouTube, there’s blooper footage of an old AWA interview with Jesse Ventura, who was set for a showdown with Zumhofe.
“An old-fashioned girl who runs the team like any ... baseball team for 44 years as well as host to pro wrestling shows, rock concerts and rodeos. The raging fire destroyed years of memories.
Idol's heel turn is a classic example of old school ... there were no two wrestlers more over than The Rock and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. WWF most definitely knew this, and would heavily market ...
Biz was a 25-year-old ecology graduate when veteran ornithologist ... but the track to the main colony winds past bush-capped bluffs of volcanic rock, across an exposed, scrubby ridge, and up ...
And in the flat plains of the Southern Gobi desert in Mongolia, researchers erected a simple 2m (6.6ft) tall wire fence around an old stone corrals ... Fund for Nature (WWF) in Nepal, as long ...
FREE, 2 March-26 April REPAIR WEEK: The annual London Repair Week aims to equip Londoners with the skills needed to repair old items ... in Wilko: Love and Death and Rock 'n' Roll.
While he wasn't known for his in-ring skills, Hogan had some classic matches. When Hulk Hogan first arrived ... His return culminated in an iconic match at WrestleMania 18, against The Rock in Toronto ...
turn on WCW Saturday Night or WWF and he’ll chill out. My mom is used to the blood and chaos and violence. We just have to get her mom used to the fact that old man Mancer is going to get a ...