Feathers might seem like a pretty mundane part of nature, although it's a little-known fact that they have a strong bond with ...
Here is a brief rundown of some coming entertainment options in Northeast Ohio. Make submissions for consideration via email ...
Meet Erica Tremblay — part of a new generation disrupting Hollywood's telling of the Native American experience.
Meanwhile, the Native American Rights Fund and the American Civil Liberties Union recently issued guidance to tribal leaders and communities recommending among other things that people know their ...
Indigenous sisters Jamilah and Justice Maldonado spoke out last year about how hurtful they found the portrayals of Native Americans within the Golden-based Westernaires, hoping the longtime horse ...
Both are now on display at the Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian Sarah Kuta Wayne Martin Belger set out to make indelible photos of a mystical site on the Navajo Nation.
Among one of the oft-repeated stats from the report, cited at Thursday's conference, is that though American Indian and Alaska Native people account for around 1.6% of Utah's population ...
The Native American Educational and Cultural Center (NAECC) proudly represent over 70 tribal nations through our Native American, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander students, alumni, ...
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — Among the 1,500 individuals pardoned by President Donald Trump in the Jan. 6 attack in Washington was a young Staten Islander who live-streamed the mayhem, the Advance ...
COLUMBIA — A man from Columbia has expressed his love for art in an industry where you don't see many African Americans. Lee Carter is the owner of Immortal Art, a tattoo and piercing studio.
Labreck is one of the most decorated women in 'American Ninja Warrior' history, the obstacle course show that premiered on NBC in 2009. WATERVILLE — The Alfond Youth & Community Center has hired ...