Over the course of Naruto and Shippuden, Naruto Uzumaki goes on an epic journey from an outcast child to the symbol of hope ...
Naruto and Sasuke are by far the most powerful characters in Naruto as of its ending, but Naruto Shippuden and Boruto's ...
NARUTO The Symphonic Experience, fresh off its successful European tour seen by more than 60,000 fans, will visit more than ...
We search for the best Naruto episodes that are perfect from start to finish, from "The End of Tears" to "The Tale of Jiraiya ...
Hashirama Senju and Kidomaru in "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja 4" (VG ... Vulcan Raven toy in "Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty" (VG) ...
Later, Naruto: Shippuden (part two) was televised between 2007 and 2017. Naruto has collaborated quite a few times over the years. This is every team he's been a part of. Part one of Naruto tells ...
Naruto and Sasuke built their legacies in different ways. Boruto series undermines Naruto and Sasuke's achievements. Boruto needs to treat old characters better, but damage is already done.
When Konohamaru Sarutobi asks Naruto Uzumaki for help, the latter readily accepts to join his young friend on a special mission—the retrieval of the legendary crimson four-leaf clover ...
We rank the saddest episodes from the iconic anime Naruto, from Episode 80's "The Third Hokage, Forever" to Episode 249's ...