Malta, Seychelles, Tahiti, Waitomo Caves, and Hallstatt. These places blend mysticism and spirituality, offering enchanting ...
This stunning sunset bathed Glastonbury Tor in a mystical golden hue as the first signs of spring emerge. Steeped in legend the evocative landmark offers magnificent views of the Somerset Levels ...
Survival depends on many factors, so no one can tell you exactly how long you’ll live. It depends on your individual condition, type of cancer, treatment and level of fitness. Survival for testicular ...
Cancer cells may cause body odors, but not odors that most people will notice. While some studies show dogs may be able to detect cancer smells, researchers are exploring the possibility of detecting ...
Itchy skin, or pruritus, can be a symptom of some cancers, including blood-related, skin, liver, gallbladder, and bile-duct cancer cancers. However, other causes of itching are more common. Itching ...
However, not many know that the erstwhile Baroda state was a home to these mystical ascetics nearly a century ago. The Naga Sadhus used to reside around Mahadev temples along the Vishwamitri River ...
The Number of Grants for each Cancer Type may include grants not 100% focused on that type of cancer. For example, a grant that focuses 90% on breast cancer and 10% on prostate cancer will be counted ...
But even here, they find little respite. Driven by deeply rooted beliefs in the mystical powers of animal skin talismans known as “gris-gris,” the illegal trade of lion and leopard parts is ...
Niokolo-Koba National Park is the last sanctuary in Senegal for lions, which are critically endangered in West Africa. Early in the morning park director Paul Diedhiou looks on as a group of armed ...