After 15 years of sailing from house to house, the Pequod has finally floated into the Met, its splintering wood, freezing iron, and sodden ropes transfigured into digital drawing. Moby-Dick, an opera ...
MOBY-DICK--Herman Melville’s epic tale of obsession and man-versus-nature, succinctly adapted by composer Jake Heggie with ...
Green and Costello were in full voice, the orchestra had a new level of energy. The climax was like the slow eruption of a ...
Streamlining Melville’s sprawling novel, Jake Heggie and Gene Scheer’s moody, monochromatic 2010 adaptation has come to the Metropolitan Opera.
If you ask Samina Ali about the work that went into her new memoir, she might liken herself to a peckish ocean predator. “You know how they say a shark circles its prey? That’s what it was like,” she ...
Jake Heggie and Gene Scheer’s 2010 adaptation of Melville’s unruly novel opens this week at the Metropolitan Opera.
Gene Scheer whittled down the 600-plus-page novel to a 64-page libretto, often tweaking Herman Melville’s phrasing to make it ...
The feature also highlighted some of New Bedford's most cherished architectural gems, including the historic Nathan and Polly ...
From the return of a literary great to mind-expanding nonfiction, here is our pick of the 14 books you should know about this ...
When director Leonard Foglia was invited to stage an opera adaptation of Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick, his excitement was ...
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — The Herman bachelors are going to the big screen ... fun at rural life like “Fargo” or be laced with “You betcha’s.” “The real story is the relationships spawned. It’s a poignant ...