This is an anthology show, where each short episode is based around a video game series. It had a bit of a mixed reception, but there are enough strong episodes in the first 15-episode series to make ...
After spiraling out of control at her sister's wedding, a New York writer is forced to confront her addiction issues during a court-ordered rehab stay.
Since 2023, the Thousand Guineas has run on the same card as the Group 1 Sir Rupert Clarke Stakes (1400m). Thousand Guineas Day also features three Group 3 support races headlined by the Blue Sapphire ...
2024-10-03 I4VGen: Image as Free Stepping Stone for Text-to-Video Generation Xiefan Guo 2406.02230 null 2024-05-30 DITTO-2: Distilled Diffusion Inference-Time T-Optimization for Music ...
Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller. The Killing Machine and Other Stories 1995–2007, Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA), Barcelona, Spain, and Institut ...
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