A woman who killed a relative in a public park in Kununurra is sentenced to eight years and six months in prison.
Jugular vein aneurysm is a rare morphologic entity. This report describes a case of an asymptomatic internal jugular vein aneurysm that presented as an enlarging mass in the neck. Diagnosis was ...
Awami Tehreek protesters demand formation of international tribunal to resolve water dispute between Sindh, Punjab.
Trump’s hatchet man who fires from the hip is like a character from a Western comic book Jottings from the White House diary: Boy, have I had one helluva week. Did that video that’s ...
A specialized medical team at King Abdullah University Hospital successfully performed a rare and complex surgical procedure to save the life of a young man suffering from severe, recurrent ...
IN a shocking new podcast former football hooligans boast about never getting beaten and eulogise about the thrill of ...
Recently unionized workers at the Burnaby-based Vancouver Personal Care Centre do jobs people outside the industry might find ...
A former Fort Cavazos soldier has been sentenced to 200 months in prison for the attempted murder of a female soldier. It ...
In the first week of July 2020, in Warren County, Ohio, Daniel Delehanty, a 16-year-old, called 911, claiming he had not seen his sister, Stormy Delehanty, and her husband, Roman Roshchupkin, in two ...
"We couldn't get it off for quite a while." Ms Smith, who lives in Barry, said Frank's jugular vein - the main vein in the neck - was damaged and he was "bleeding profusely". "Those who know me ...
Explore intriguing parallels between Star Wars' Force Tawhid, comparing cosmic energy, destiny, free will, and spiritual ...