Raw eggnog has a murky reputation because of the use of raw eggs, which can cause food poisoning. Here's how you can safely ...
Most of us have a family recipe or two (or maybe a whole file of them) that we break out during the holiday season. For some ...
What’s a milky, rich, and seasonal delight shared during the holiday? Eggnog! These Eggnog Recipes are a great way to us ...
Most of us have a family recipe or two (or maybe a whole file of them) that we break out during the holiday season. For some people it’s cookies, for others it’s that perfect side dish that ...
If you want a thick, luscious eggnog for your holiday dinner party, you should keep a brief checklist in mind while buying a ...
For centuries, eggnog has been a part of America’s Christmas festivities. George Washington was rumored to have his own recipe, and the concoction was the catalyst of a riot at West Point in the wee ...
Eggnog is a holiday tradition that dates back centuries. Back then, it was a pretty simple recipe: egg beaten with sugar and milk or cream, plus some liquor to put the "spirit" in holiday spirit.
But there’s that bottle of leftover eggnog in the fridge. And what are you going to do — pour it out? I think not. Those ...