Dear Prudence is Slate’s advice column. Delia Cai is filling in as Prudie for Jenée Desmond-Harris while she’s on parental ...
You don't have to be a hardcore prepper to keep a well-stocked bugout bag ready for the next emergency. Here's what you need.
I never get used to the cold weather. No matter how long I’ve lived in the UK, that damp chill still gets to me every ...
Sometimes trying to do all the right things at the salon can backfire. Here's what to avoid when getting your hair cut or ...
Christian missionary activity in the Khasi and Jaintia hills began in the middle of the nineteenth century with the Welsh, ...
The Ohio County Water District is asking people to boil their water, now that a temporary pipe has been installed on Cromwell ...
A man who was seriously ill with cancer and underwent a bone marrow transplant at Auckland City Hospital last year had to boil water in a kettle and use a disposable vomit bowl to wash himself because ...
Solar panels destroyed by severe weather last week are now scattered across several fields in Lamar County. “We drove around and it was torn up,” ...
The Texas Department of Criminal Justice has responded to a reported lack of water at the George Beto Unit state prison in Tennessee Colony near Palestine.