Bahraini activists clashed with police when thousands of demonstrators took to the streets on Saturday, sending tear gas into a shopping centre and bringing the capital Manama's streets to a ...
A photo of the man’s face helped affirm his intuition. Mak ran the photo through a “face age” test, which showed that the 90-year-old man’s health was more similar to someone in their late ...
PORTER, Tex. — At least four deaths have been confirmed after a severe weather outbreak this weekend spawned multiple tornadoes across several states that left trails of destruction in their wake. One ...
I haven't seen anybody being rude or showing irritation. ‘But I spoke to one young woman who was in tears because she was going to miss her very expensive flight back to USA and didn't have ...
attempting to stretch already lengthened hamstrings won’t relieve the tension and can even cause harm in the form of strains and tears. When tight hip flexors accompany tight hamstrings ...
Fans were left in disbelief as Adele almost burst into tears after recognizing someone she hadn’t seen in years at her show. Adele’s performance was briefly interrupted when someone caught her eye in ...
Enel said it would fight on after being ordered by a US judge to tear down an 84-turbine, 150MW wind farm within a year at a cost of around $259m. The Italian group’s Enel Green Power North America ...
Rubbing beef fat on your face is one of the newest skincare fads. Beef tallow is currently trending on social media as an alternative to traditional skincare products. The simple-ingredient balms ...
It’s also known as tear trough filler, and I’d never had it done before. A few days after my injection of filler, though, my face was swollen and there was a pain below my right eye.