Previous research had found that walking more was linked to better heart health and a longer life in general, but this new study suggests that walking 7,000 steps a day might help to lower the risk of ...
በሰሜን ወሎ ዞን ቡግና ወረዳ በምግብ እጥረት ምክንያት ሕፃናት እና እናቶች “በከፍተኛ” ሁኔታ መጎዳታቸውን የወረዳው ኃላፊዎች ለቢቢሲ ተናግረዋል። በአካባቢው ባለው ግጭት ምክንያት የእርዳታ ድርጅቶች ...
በሰሜን ወሎ ዞን ቡግና ወረዳ በምግብ እጥረት ምክንያት ሕፃናት እና እናቶች “በከፍተኛ” ሁኔታ መጎዳታቸውን የወረዳው ኃላፊዎች ለቢቢሲ ተናግረዋል። በአካባቢው ባለው ግጭት ምክንያት የእርዳታ ድርጅቶች ...
At least 2,400 children have been killed or injured since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, according to the latest UNICEF reports. The U.N. agency says the war is creating a mental health ...
Airport-expansion opponents say air pollution and noise from low-flying jets bring asthma and other health problems for ...