Harlem Hayfield will celebrate the release of their first album on Saturday night, and keyboardist Hugh Sullivan's mother, Patty, celebrated by getting her first tattoo, in honor of the band. His dad ...
Ragne Wahlquist’s memorial service in Stockholm last month had all the solemnity (and the stacked guest list) of a state ...
Dan Kalisher, a pedal steel guitar player and producer, had his Altadena home burn down along with the recording studio he built in a garage. He said he lost about $100,000 worth of gear including ...
Pete Davidson may have flown the nest, but there are plenty of scrawny, scuzzy-looking versions of this softboy archetype. Why, asks one enduring fan, can’t we get enough?
The four-time Grammy winner, 77, began strumming his guitar to perform the song before he started swaying at center stage in front of the stunned crowd. Don Felder is held up on stage during a ...
Setzer, the pompadoured vocalist who rocks with drummer Slim Jim Phantom and bassist Lee Rocker for Stray Cats and also runs his own big-band orchestra, said Thursday, “I cannot play guitar.” ...