Not all trees have the same care requirements, and that's especially true for fruit trees. To get the most bountiful yield, ...
Lime trees can grow 15 to 20 feet tall in their native climate, but there are also dwarf varieties ideal for indoor growing.
Pick a large, strong pot with good drainage holes at the bottom. It needs room for its big roots! For soil, you want ...
There are plenty of examples these days of public buildings where architects have incorporated living trees into the plan ...
Olive trees require full sun for fruit production and overall health. Select a location that gets a minimum of six hours of ...
Grapevines and fruit trees. Now is the time to clonally propagate grapevines, fig and pomegranate trees from cuttings. In a ...
Choose deciduous shade trees — those that drop their leaves during the winter. You will have the shade you need in the summer ...
Many tropicals, succulents and citrus trees can withstand a quick dip into freezing temperatures, but not a deep freeze.
Researchers discovered more than 30 dead whitebark pine trees that were entombed in ice for millennia, representing a bygone ...
While National Arbor Day is always in April, many Floridians do not know that Florida’s Arbor Day is the third Friday in ...
Across much of the world, planting more trees means more carbon is stored, and global warming is reduced. That’s the thinking ...
As with all fruit trees, it can be quite disheartening when your damson tree isn't bountiful. This is especially true when ...