What they did have was a range of sexual vocabulary – of every possible metaphorical and ... From gentlemen like Catullus and Caesar to the meanest Pompeian graffiti-chalker, the words are more or ...
Cops took a bite out of this crime. A saucy vandal who “plagued” a Westchester town with chronic graffiti of pepperoni slices for more than a year has finally been arrested. Daniel Henderson ...
For the second time in the span of a month, a Winnipeg community centre has been hit with hateful graffiti. Brent McNeil, the president of the Westdale Community Centre, said the centre was hit ...
The Music and Sound Design programme is designed for musicians interested in composing music and designing sound for a wide range of contexts but with particular emphasis on film and theatre. Students ...
Students studying Anthropology and Spanish gain an understanding of socio-cultural differences and similarities and how they arise, are transmitted and develop. You acquire knowledge and understanding ...