This educational documentary follows 7th-grade art students from Hughes Junior High School in Woodland Hills, California, as ...
A collaborative effort among artists and art students with sister cities in Kenosha and Cosenza, Italy, is underway with the ...
What happened: Richard Hornberger, assistant superintendent of secondary education, recommended a new language arts ...
Highlighted camps include Shelton State baseball, PARA, the Kentuck Art Center and the Tuscaloosa Children's Theatre.
It could take several weeks for the Mississippi Whole Schools team to decide whether Carver will be named a Model School for arts integration. If Carver is named a model school, teachers and ...
As the technical director of Brown’s John Street Studio, Haynes oversees the Department of Theatre Arts and Performance Studies workspace and supports students’ experiential learning in art and design ...
The freight trains that labored to climb through Baltimore’s historic Howard Street Tunnel disappeared a few weeks ago. For ...
Thinking of modernizing your bathroom? One area to definitely focus on is the shower to create a luxurious experience. But, ...
EcoGraf posts strongest gains in over four years following the grant of a Special Mining Licence at the Epanko graphite ...
Madi Knigge, 17, has a colloid cyst in her brain, and now she needs surgery to remove it. She started her own GoFundMe to ask ...
The Clayton Museum of Ancient History at York University will host “Swords, Tent Pegs and Spirit: Weapons of War in the Book ...
If it’s challenge-system feedback baseball wants this spring, then I think we found just the man to supply it.