Oceans Are the Real Continents,' Tommaso Santambrogio’s triptych of contemporary Cuba, is at once a soulful and sterile kind of travelogue.
“Oceans Are the Real Continents” — whose very title nudges audiences to reimagine how it is we understand the geography of the world around us — is guided by a similar type of convictio ...
Tommaso Santambrogio’s film, which stakes out territory in both truth and fantasy, uses nonactors to tell intertwining ...
Each quest will give you a golden coin and each golden coin will get you closer to the treasure!Sail away and practise your geographical skills with this new geography KS1 game.
Three short films exploring the Geography KS1 topic Oceans and seas: identifying the five oceans of the world, exploring the key characteristics of fish and other marine wildlife, and considering ...
Filmed with marvelous attention to subtle contrasts possible in its monochromatic palette, the frames brim with a built-in ...
At the end of the Triassic and the beginning of the Jurassic periods, Pangea began to break up, eventually forming the continents we ... gather new data from the oceans. There is so much more ...