There is no doubt that Minnesota’s perch fishing is below average when compared with that of some other states.
Ice fisherman Danny Thompson caught a huge yellow perch through the ice at Mille Lacs this month. Here's how he avoided ...
These are the best rigs and techniques to maximize your perch catch this ice fishing season. Yellow perch are some of the best-tasting freshwater fish. And when they're in a biting mood, they will ...
After a long winter of cold temperatures and few fishing opportunities, people are itching to get on the water again. While many anglers anxiously await the opening day of trout season, others are ...
Perca flavescens Nicknames: Perch, Common perch Current State Record: 3 lbs. 8 oz., Lake Erie, Erie County, 4/28/82 Identification: Yellow body ...
The best places to fish in Brigantine are north of 14th Street north (up to the State Park boundary), 45th to 47th Streets, ...
State-record fish caught in Chesapeake Bay are listed in the Chesapeake or “tidal” division, while records caught in freshwater are listen in the nontidal division. The state-record yellow perch in ...
Identification: Yellow body with six to seven dark vertical bars. Average adult size is seven – 10 inches, but can grow much larger in some waters. Yellow perch are in the same family as walleye.