"Oscar bait" movies are those films that are seen as being designed to attract Oscar or Academy Award nominations and wins.
The tradition shows no signs of letting up as municipalities up and down the country gear up for some outdoor urban frolics.
Dolly and her siblings - Willadeene, David Wilburn, Coy Denver, Bobby Lee, Stella Mae, Cassie Nan, Randel Huston 'Randy,' Larry Gerald, twins Estel Floyd and Freida Estelle, and Rachel Ann ...
I have a lot of her in me, but I am not her.' After her divorces from the late Bee Gee Maurice Gibb and hairdresser John Frieda, Lulu has no intention of giving up her single status again.
Nietzsche’s kneecaps, Tesla’s caftan, and Tolstoy’s chest hair tell the story.
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